Static Shock
Strange Tide Productions presents Static Shock, an unfiltered 80s-inspired comedy podcast infused with artificial intelligence where nostalgia meets truth bombs! Journey to this uncharted dimension us as we unravel the ridiculousness of human existence, one laugh at a time.
Static Shock
Bill's Ted Talk on Dark Psychology Part 1 (Take the Red Pill)
Take the red pill and join host Bill Malamut on part 1 of this podcast special as he unmasks the truth on life and dives deep down the rabbit hole of dark psychology. Part 1 includes a discussion on deceptive individuals, dark manipulation, how to spot frenemies and fake friends, energy vampires, abusive and controlling relationships, toxic individuals, the matrix , realizing your potential and self worth, spiritual awakenings, purpose, narcissistic personality disorder, how to spot a narcissist, the dark side of the road to success, the high value and low value mindset and much more!
DISCLAIMER : Not for the fraudulent and haters of truth. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.
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